Tag Archives: eagles
Eaglet Twins 2016
Every Spring the campers and I stand lakeside with our binoculars and cameras pointed at the eagle nest. The big question is . . . Is there one eaglet in there? Or two? I’ve been taking pictures for a little … Continue reading
If She Hollers, He Will Come
Just a couple days ago, I was lakeside, when suddenly, the female eagle cried out several times. I looked up, down, and all around, but I couldn’t see anything more than a lone goose, swimming along in front of their … Continue reading
Nesting Eagles during Wind Storm
Our eagles seem to be doing well, in spite of the 50+ mph winds taking place today. I sure hope she doesn’t get sea sick up there!
Eagles On Eggs 2016
I think I may have witnessed our eagle laying an egg!! The behavior was something I hadn’t seen before. When I arrived, the female was sitting on the back edge of the nest facing me. As I watched, she turned. … Continue reading
2016 Eagle Nest Photos
Back on November 1st, I’d promised to keep you updated on our eagles as they got closer to nesting season. Well, that time is here. Yesterday, I donned my snowshoes to trek to the lake. The very first thing I … Continue reading
Calendars, Notebooks, and Note Cards
I will be selling my wildlife calendars and notebooks through the Holiday Season for as long as supplies last. In the past, I’ve used them for hostess and teacher gifts. I’ve given the notebooks to kids with Storycubes or a … Continue reading
Eagle, Wings Open Wide
I almost left this as a wordless post – and let the pictures do the talking . . . But this author doesn’t always know how to “do” wordless, loving instead to give the background on what I’ve witnessed ‘in … Continue reading
Eagles On the Run!
I’ve often seen birds harass the eagles, driving them from trees and even away from their own eaglets. But on Friday, I managed to catch a series of photos of it! I was watching the eaglets , and … Continue reading
The Eagles Have Been Busy
The adult eagles are on and off the nest, bringing food to their two eaglets. They’re never very far away, keeping watch, keeping their little ones safe. Look at the difference in the talons in these next two pictures. Aren’t … Continue reading
Eaglet Update
I thought you might want an eaglet update. They’re growing very quickly! And holler? Oh my, can they holler when they’re hungry! The eagle parents are sticking closely to the nest these days. For some reason, the geese … Continue reading