The Campground is Hopping Now!

The campground is in full swing now!

It’s hard to believe we’ve already had our Chinese New Year, Pirate Weekend and celebrated Christmas in July.

I’ve met so many wonderful families already . . . and welcomed back our regulars.  I love watching the kids come together in groups and hang out as if the last year had passed in the blink of an eye.  I’m always amazed by how much they grow!    Just this past week, I took a reservation from a young man who’d camped with us as a kid and was now looking forward to sharing our campground with his own children.  Second generation campers!

At the moment, we’re gearing up for Super Hero Weekend.  I’m going to dress as Storm this year. I want to take credit for the fabulous weather we’ve been having!  Of course, if it rains at all this weekend, I’ll be in big trouble.

I haven’t been able to get to the lake since my last post.  My campers tell me  the eaglets are leaving the nest now.  They come back to holler for food, but Mom and are ignoring them, forcing those triplets to feed themselves.

The loon family is still doing well too.  I did hear a report on how an adult eagle swooped low over them a few times, one day last week. Mom and Dad managed to scare it off, thank goodness!  The poor loon family has been through so much this season.  I’d be horribly upset if they lost this baby.

My nature photos are a little closer to the house and office these days.  I have a Spring Peeper (frog) who likes to crawl  up the siding, past my doorbell, to feast on the bugs buzzing my porch light. He’s so cute, I look for him every night after closing the office.

As for my writing, I’m still pecking away at Lillie’s story.  Oh! And I received a bit of inspiration I’ll be adding to the third companion book in my campground series.  I’ve had some excellent feedback from editors about the first book and I’m hopeful . . . fingers are crossed.

Time for me to go write my weekly campground blog post.  Have a wonderful weekend!


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