Roberts Farm Preserve
64 Robert’s Rd, Norway, Maine
Oh, how I love a good hike! Any time of the year, really! Being outside, in the quiet, deeply breathing in the fresh air, feeling the sun on my face . . . there’s nothing quite like it. Especially after being cooped up inside.
I decided to try a local trail to hike, Robert’s Farm Trail. I’d never been, but it was recommended by a friend and I’d heard great things about it.
I started out by reading the map. Oh, so many choices!

I decided to follow Stephens Trail. It didn’t take long before I encountered interesting sights along the way.

It sure felt good to hear the sound of a running brook again.
Because there was new snow on the ground from the night before, I easily discovered many animal tracks along the way!

I thought the above tracks might be fox. but they also look a little like a small dog. (That’s my boot print, no other human footprints were in the area) Using the charts below, tell me in the comments, what do YOU think? Hint: Look closely at the pads of the fox, versus the dog.

The signs at Roberts Farm also told you if they were difficult or easy, which is good to know before you begin, or if you’ve reached a crossroads. I continued on Stephens Trail, looking for a challenge.

There were lots of interesting sights along the way; this smiley face on a tree, a geocache mailbox (I won’t tell you exactly where that was, you’ll have to find it yourself!) and bridges with brooks running below them.

What I liked most about Roberts Farm trails, is that there were so many, you can take a different trail every time you go, which makes each hike unique, interesting and fun!

Have you been on a hike lately? If so, have you seen any of the animals below? I’d love to hear about it! Use the comment section below.