November’s Wildlife Pics

Just because everything’s turned gray, and the temps have dropped into the *shiver* 30’s,  doesn’t mean I put my new lens high on a shelf until spring.   Even if I was so inclined,  my faithful pup Cookie would never let me hole up for the winter.

Cookie- waiting patiently for me to snap some pics


Taking wildlife pics with my new lens is still one of my favorite ways to de-stress.  There’s no such thing as a “quick walk”.  Sometimes I just like to stand still under the trees, listening, waiting for the wildlife to come to me.

Hairy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker


I always end up down at the point to check for my eagles.  I’m so relieved their fallen nest didn’t cause them to move from the island.   Each time I see their new one, I take a bunch of pictures just because I can!  I don’t see the eagles themselves quite as much this time of year, as they’re eaglets are off on their own, but I do catch site of the adults about once a week.  Most days, they’re in the distance . . .

One of our adult eagles

When the wildlife is elusive, I set my sites on some pretty scenery.

Full November Moon over the new Eagle Nest

Did I mention that we had a pair of mallards still hanging out as late as last week?  I hope they moved on, as the ice has begun to form.

These two were fun to watch.  He stood guard as she fed with her butt in the air and her head in the water.

A Pair of Mallards

And then there were the geese.  This year they hung out down by the State Park more than they did in our cove.  I missed their chatter.


Lately I’ve been going through my loon and eagle photos (click the tags to the right)  as I think about ordering souvenirs for the camp store.  The photos I’ve taken this summer will also come in handy when I plan school visit presentations for next fall after Cooper and Packrat is released.  I hope to take tons of photos of the loons next spring with this new lens!

Next on my wish list of photo ops, is owls.  Anyone out there ever manage to take a good owl photo?  If so, how’d you manage it?

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2 Responses to November’s Wildlife Pics

  1. kathy Casey says:

    your pictures always bring a smile…..thanks

  2. Tamra says:

    I’m so glad they do, Kathy!

    I hope you’re both doing well. ;0)

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