Eagle Baby Reveal


I know you’ve all been waiting patiently for an eagle baby update.  So even though I was practically falling asleep on my feet today after the campground opening, I grabbed the extra long camera lens, and the tripod, and headed down to the lake’s edge.

I’m wicked excited to report . . . there’s not just one baby . . .

Or twoooooo. . . .

It’s triplets!!!

Whoa!!!  How cool is that??


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6 Responses to Eagle Baby Reveal

  1. Laura says:

    TAM!! Wow! How exciting is that!! Glad you dragged your tired self and awesome camera so we can see them too! : )

    • Tamra says:

      I know, right??? Three! Now I’ll be down there all the time, making sure they’re still alive and well. One of them is already spreading his wings . . . I worry he’ll flip one of his siblings out of the nest!

  2. Kathy Casey says:

    That is wonderful!!! Great pics! Thanks for sharing!!

    • Tamra says:

      I couldn’t wait to get back to the house! It seemed to take forever to download the pics and wade through all 245 of them to find just the right ones. I have some other great shots I’ll post later in the week.

  3. Pingback: Wednesday Wildlife Pic | Tamra Wight

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