Time to Change Hats!


Those last two weeks of school were crazy!  I’m not sure who was more ready to hear the bell ring at 11am on Tuesday, the students or I. We had so much fun with our end-of-the year activities though . . . I wouldn’t have missed one single second of it. I hope they have a fabulous summer.

Watching the eighth graders walk out the middle school door one last time brought tears to my eyes. Of course, I have a special bond with that class.  My own son is now moving on to 9th grade.

He’s already begun summer soccer and a conditioning class with the high schoolers, without even a backward glance!

Now I’m concentrating on all things campground.  Our every-day-all-day recreation program kicks in this Saturday ~

~ every weekend is themed.  Halloween, Super Hero, Medieval, Pirate, Fiesta and more . . . we really have a blast here at Poland Spring Campground!

As for my writing – I’m moving ahead slowly with this new idea.  I have two fabulous sources for research and I love bouncing my ideas off them.  One of them has brought me informational books to pour over.  I’ve also written a couple of scenes, trying to get to know my main character a little better.  Every free minute I have will be devoted to adding to this manuscript.  I’m taking a tip from a fellow writer and scheduling it on my calendar.

If anyone out there has some ideas on how to find time within a busy schedule for writing, I’d love to hear them.

I haven’t been out on the lake in a few days, but I hope to soon.  For now I’m living vicariously through my campers.  I’m told the loons still have their little one in tow and the three eaglets are spreading their wings, but are still on the nest. All fabulous news!





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