The Winner Is . . .

I felt like Pooh Bear today:  Think, think, think, think, think.  How could I choose a winner for my latest book giveaway?

Then a light bulb lit up . . . what would Cooper and Packrat do?

And I had it!

First I took each name, wrote it on a slip of paper and shook them up.


Then I put one slip of paper into each pocket of the vest I use for my describing game at  school visits.

It reminds me of Packrat’s coat because it has sooooo very many pockets.  Some on the front, some on the back and even some inside . . .


Then I picked a pocket . . .


And pulled a name!


Aaaaaaand the winner is . . . .



Yay!!!  Deb, let me know who you’d like it signed to! Message me with you address and I’ll get it right out to you.

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